New Client Intake

Step 1 of 3


Emergency Contact

Your Emergency Contact will only be contacted in the event of an actual emergency where there is a threat to your health, life, or the health/life of someone else. Even then, we will not share information about your case, why you're being seen, or other personal identifiable information.
Emergency Contact Name

Medical Information

We collect some basic medical information in order to ensure that we are providing services that are most aligned with your goals, and your health. This information is very important to maintain proper care of your case.
Are you currently being treated by a mental health or medical provider?
Are you currently taking any medications (prescription, vitamin, supplement)?
Medication Name
Have you ever been diagnosed with Epilepsy?
Have you ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia, DID, or any form of psychosis/dissassociation?

Hypnotherapy Intake Information

Have you ever been hypnotized before?
What types of hypnosis have you tried?
Check all that apply

Hypnotherapy Goals

Create Your Goals
How will you know you've achieved this?
What have you tried in the past?
Create up to 3 goals that we will be working on. Remember, these can be changed at anytime, but this gives us a place to start in our process.
Do you have any fears about hypnosis or achieving your goals?