Payment is required at the time of booking. Booking is not possible through email, telephone, or with your provider directly. All bookings must be processed through the booking software on this site. Payment is made through the booking software at the time of booking. We accept all major credit cards. As mentioned in other areas of the terms and service, there are no refunds on bookings or audio files.
There will be no refund for cancelled appointments. Cancellations are accepted up to 24 hours prior to scheduled appointment. If the cancellation policy is adhered to, the payment for the session will be applied to a rescheduled appointment in a future date, provided that the rescheduled appointment occurs within 3 months of the date of the originally scheduled appointment. Failure to provide 24 hour notice for cancellation will result in forfeiture of the booking fee.
On occasion, emergencies may arise with clients or your provider. If cancellation is resulting from an emergency, or if your provider has cancelled for an emergency, regardless of time of notice, booking fee will be applied to a future appointment, provided the rescheduled appointment occurs within 3 months of the date of the originally scheduled appointment.
At no time will refunds be provided for bookings. Please ensure that you understand this information before booking.
We strive to ensure that your chosen provider is available for your appointment, but occasionally, in the case of emergency, crisis with a client, or computer error, you may be provided with the option to see another provider of the same level of qualification and certification. At all times, clients will only be seen by a qualified and certified hypnotherapist who specializes in and has great understanding of the AB/DL and Kink Communities.
Most insurance plans do not cover hypnosis or hypnotherapy services provided outside of a medical professional/psychotherapist. Therefore, Hypnosis412 will not submit to or accept any insurance plan. All services are considered Self-Pay. If your insurance plan agrees to pay for our services, it will be the responsibility of the client to submit all paperwork to the insurance company directly for reimbursement. Even in this case, A Little Hypnosis cannot guarantee reimbursement from insurance plans or programs.
For those that may have a financial hardship that would prevent them from utilizing hypnosis services, we do offer our Financial Hardship Program. This program has a limited number of spots and once filled, the program will be unavailable until a spot is opened up. Please review the terms and conditions prior to applying. You can learn more about this program by visiting the financial assistance page, linked in the menu.
We do not offer refunds for any services that are offered. When booking an appointment, you are paying for the time with the hypnotherapist, not a specific outcome. Please make sure that you reach out to us with any questions prior to booking your appointment. The nature of hypnosis means that results are not guaranteed as change work requires the work of both the hypnotherapist as well as the client, working together.
© 2024. A Little Hypnosis (An RHC Company). All Rights Reserved.